Britney Spears nude in South American tour?



Through a video, Britney Spears said she will sing on November 15 in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo 18.

Be the first South American tour of Britney Spears, but not his first time on the continent: the singer and was in Brazil in 2001 as part of Rock in Rio Indeed, yesterday was the first confirmed tour.Through a video posted on its website, the singer appeared with two dancers, who translated his words into Spanish and Portuguese, to confirm a story already speculating fans in the last month.


“Hello America, we are here to give a special message,” he began the singer, after announcing on its website that an announcement would “important.” “I know that I was able to go to South America with the Circus tour, but this time make sure we go with the Femme fatale tour.” And then announced presentations on 15 November in Rio de Janeiro and 18 November in Sao Paulo. The video ended with the message that “in the coming days” will be announced 10 dates in the region.

In Chile, a regional producer is negotiating what will be the first presentation of the shell Baby, one more time in the country. Of course, there is still no official confirmation of their visit, nor of other places that would show, such as Argentina, Colombia and Peru.

The assembly brings to South America Spears has had more rave reviews of his career, with a scenario that has a main platform with two levels, side steps and giant screen. The singer began the tour on 16 June in Sacramento, California, and each presentation consists of 22 songs. In its first performances, has sung nine songs from their latest album, Femme fatale, including their first three singles, Hold It Against Me, Till the world ends and I want to go, plus 10 songs from their previous work, between 1998 and 2009 , a cover and a remix. Among the comments of those who have seen the show, point out that dancing is better and, unlike previous tours, do not abuse the playback. Also commented that looks fit after his long season in hell, which seems to have closed the album release Femme fatale, which came out in stores on March 25th and, to some critics, it is his “return.”

These days, the interpreter is in a tour-now sings in Cleveland, USA, which brought it to Europe until November 9. After the show agreed that day in Lisbon, the former Disney girl will move to South America on a tour that could be released on DVD. Some weeks ago, Spears’ manager Larry Rudolph said he had a very “good opportunity” to launch the show in that format. It would be the first release from Dream Within a Dream tour with DVD, 2002 Live from Las Vegas because Onyx Hotel (2004) and Circus (2009) DVD edition did not. Britney Spears naked. Britney Spears nude. Pictures of Britney Spears.

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