Sao Paulo Brazil South America
The largest city in South America is a city of immigrants and ethnic neighborhoods. Situated on a plateau, it is estimated that the population of this megalopolis is around twenty million people, many of them descendants of Italian immigrants and Japanese.

Sao Paulo builidings
The great industrial development and cultural diversity have made Sao Paulo the city with the largest middle class, more varied and better educated in Brazil.

Theater of Sao Paulo Brazil South America
Its inhabitants are active and knowledgeable people, and although they often complain of traffic problems, street violence and pollution, cannot imagine living anywhere else than in Sao Paulo.

Sao Paulo monuments
The great industrial development and cultural diversity have made Sao Paulo the city with the largest middle class, more varied and better educated in Brazil.

Sao Paulo downtown
Its inhabitants are active and knowledgeable people, and although they often complain of traffic problems, street violence and pollution, they cannot imagine living anywhere else than in Sao Paulo.

Sao Paulo Brazil South America
Sao Paulo can be an intimidating place, but those who prefer large cities will enjoy the activity and nightlife of one of the most dynamic cities in the world.

Historical tourist attractions in Sao Paulo Brazil South America
Among the attractions, we can mention the baroque style Municipal Theater, the Niemeyer’s Copan building, the Museo de Arte de Sao Paulo (MASP) and the Patio do Colegio from the XVI century.

main streets in Sao Paulo Brazil