Bolivian culture
The musical traditions of Bolivia are distinctly regional: the music of the desolate Andean Altiplano is melancholy and evocative, while the warmest region of Tarija, with its strange musical instruments has got vivid chords. Dances such as the cueca, the auqui-auqui and the tinku hold a special place in popular culture.
Other forms of folk expression are the spinning and craft fabric, which shows regional differences but has remained almost identical over the last 3,000 years.
The official language is Spanish, but it is only spoke by 60 or 70% of the population, and often it is used only as a second language.

Markets in La Paz Bolivia
The rest of Bolivians speak Quechua, the language of the Incas, or Aymara, pre-Inca language of the Altiplano.

Music of Bolivia
About 95 percent of the population is Catholic, but the absence of clergy in rural areas has led to a synthesis of Inca and Aymara beliefs with Christianity. This hybrid religion, Christian, and popular, is an interesting conglomeration of doctrines, rites and superstitions.
Bolivian cuisine features meat dishes with rice, potatoes and shredded lettuce. To give more flavor to certain dishes, sometimes it is used the llajhua (a spicy sauce made from tomatoes and peppers). Both the Bolivian beer as the wine and chicha (strong alcoholic drink made from corn) are very good, but beware: before any invitation for a drink should be borne in mind that the local alcohol is very strong and Bolivians are heavy drinkers.